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What is PRIhME?

PRIhME is the acronym for Power Relations in Higher Music Education.

In the last decades it has been known that systemic inequalities in power relations are rooted in the majority of Higher Music Education Institutions (HMEI). This issue was highlighted at the Annual Congress of the European Association of Conservatories (AEC) in Graz and Turin. To address this systemic problem in an exhaustive, safe and equitable way, a consortium of 10 conservatories led by the Royal Irish Academy of Music and with the AEC as project director, applied for Erasmus funding.

EN Co-Funded by the EU_POS

PRIhME uses the Citizen Assembly model based on common values ​​and civic commitment. The 10 partners of PRIhME will create a series of Assemblies of interested parties, modeled on similar formats of deliberative democracy in Ireland and the Netherlands. The assemblies of 50 members will examine the issues of power relations in HME through in-person and online forums, supported by expert documents and resulting in intellectual products that include a publication and a set of policy documents, sectoral recommendations and resources training. The participants include students, professors, administration personnel and professionals in higher musical education (HME).

The AEC, as manager of the PRIhME project, has dissemination tools that will reach our 300 member conservatories and the media so that all the estates can get involved with the topics covered and give their opinion throughout the project.

An initial key result of PRIhME is to provide the HMEI with a true understanding of the traditions and norms that we perpetuate and that can create an imbalance of power. Based on this analysis (and supported by sectorial promotion and training), the long-term result of PRIhME will be a more diverse and socially integrated higher musical education sector, with greater levels of trust and satisfaction in its stakeholders, offering to the world creative and socially committed artists who have been formed in healthy and sustainable learning communities.

The participants of Musikene within the Assembly are:

  • Itziar Larrinaga (Steering Committee, Editorial Board)
  • Jesús Echeverría (Assembly Working Group)
  • Eli Alberdi
  • Enola Arruabarrena
  • Rodolfo Epelde
  • Vanessa Gardebien
  • Aritz Labrador
  • Laura Marcos


Participating partner organisations:
  • Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin, Ireland
  • AEC – Association Européenne des Conservatoires
  • Popakademie Baden-Wurtemberg, Mannheim, Germany
  • Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Graz, Austria
  • Musikene, San Sebastián/Donostia, Spain
  • Saint Louis Music Center Srl, Italy
  • Academy of Music, University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • Universidad Nacional de las Artes, Kharkiv, Ucrania
  • Akademia Muzyczna im. Krzysztofa Pendereckiego w Krakovie, Poland
  • Malmö Academu of Music, Lunds Universitet, Sweden
  • Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts, Ukraine


The link to the PRIhME page inside the AEC web is:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication-communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.