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European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Level 7 and Spanish Framework of Higher Education Qualifications (MECES) Level 3 Degree.

Approval Certificate of the Master’s Degree



Register for the online informative talk!

If you are a string player and wish to train to prepare for orchestral auditions, you found your Master!


Complete the 60 ECTS of the Master in Orchestral Studies in one course or, if you wish, extend your studies at Musikene through partial enrollment.


Immerse yourself in orchestral music research and, if you wish, prepare for further doctoral studies.

Comprehensive training

Training with our instrument and orchestral repertoire teachers.

Guest faculty 2024/2025

Masterclasses by Ilya Grubert (violin), David Quiggle (viola), Troels Svane (cello) or Gunārs Upatnieks (double bass).

Master String Orkestra

Be part of the Musikene String Orchestra and share the music stand with renowned guest concertmasters: Gordan Nikolic (2016, 2017), Boris Garlitsky (2018, 2020), David Grimal (2019), Lorenza Borrani (2021), Matts Zettergvist (2022, 2023), Lina Tur Bonet (2024), Diet Tilanus (2025).

Professional internships

Throughout the course, you will share rehearsals, concerts and tours with the musicians of Euskadiko Orkestra and Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa.


REGISTRATION: from 1st to 20th February 2025
ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS: ONLINE, recordings sent 4th and 5th March, 2025
MATRICULATION: ONLINE  9th – 10th April 2025
ACADEMIC CALENDAR: From the end of September 2025 to June 2026
PLACES OFFERED: 20 per academic year


Contact for further information:

Musikene. Centro Superior de Música del País Vasco (Higher Centre of Music of the Basque Country).
Europa Plaza n.º2
20018 Donostia-San Sebastián

Typology of the places:
  • Violin: 10
  • Viola: 4
  • Cello: 4
  • Double bass: 2
  • Number of credits of the qualification: 60 ECTS
  • Compulsory subjects: 32 ECTS
  • Optional subjects: 2 ECTS
  • External work experience: 20 ECTS (in the Basque National Orchestra and in the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra)
  • Dissertation: 6 ECTS
OB Orchestral repertoire 16
OB Main instrument 6
OB Orchestra work experience 20
OB Physical technique applied to orchestra work 2
OB History and stylistic evolution of the orchestral repertoire 3
OB Analysis applied to the orchestral repertoire 3
OB Methodology of research 2
SECOND TERM (one OP to choose)
OP History of the orchestra and orchestration 2
OP Applied acoustics 2
OB Master’s Degree Final Project (MDFP) 6

The Master’s Degree is structured in five modules:

  • Instrumental module: this is a practical-instrumental module in which a study is made of the orchestral repertoire in its most important historical manifestations and in which the individual instrumental class can be oriented towards perfecting the repertoire for competitive exams for orchestras.
  • Theoretical training module: this presents the study of the history of the orchestral repertoire, and the musical analysis of said repertoire, oriented towards performance.
  • Work experience module: this presents the opportunity to acquire work and artistic experience with an orchestra, temporarily taking part in its dynamics (concerts, rehearsals, tours). The work experience will be paid (1400 euros) and will include social security payments as a scholar.
  • Optional module: this offers areas to widen the range of professionalising knowledge of the orchestra and which can be personalised according to the student’s interests.
  • Research module: this allows the students to acquire competence appropriate to a Master’s Degree, by means of the study of different research methods and techniques, and the carrying out of a dissertation which they will defend in public. 

Type of Teaching: Classroom-based teaching

One-to-one instrument classes

Collective classes in Orchestral Repertoire by speciality which include a final project of a public concert as string orchestra with a guest teacher of recognised international prestige.

Collective classes of compulsory and optional areas linked to the specialisation of the orchestra repertoire.

Work experience in the Basque National Orchestra (OSE, Orquesta Sinfónica de Euskadi) and in the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra (BOS) for ten weeks tutored by one of the musicians of the orchestra.

The defence of the Dissertation will be held in public, once the rest of the Master’s Degree credits have been passed.

The official languages of instruction at Musikene are Spanish and Basque. However, group classes are given in Spanish and individual classes are given in the preferred language of communication between the student and teacher (Spanish, Basque, English, or French).

Selection process

Student selection will be carried out by means of online access tests and through previously sent videotapes.


Registration dates: from 1st to 20th February 2025

Interested candidates must complete the registration form and send the following documentation to the Musikene address, or by email to

1. Photocopy of National Identity Document, residence card, identity card or current passport.

2. Academic transcript, showing gradings and examinations in all required subjects to access official Masters studies.

3. Curriculum Vitae

4. Letter of motivation for taking this Masters and other merits which the candidate wishes to contribute.


Dates: recordings sent 4th and 5th March, 2025


1) Performance of a free repertoire with the instrument, representative of different styles and periods, with a maximum duration of 20 minutes for all specialties. It is not recommended that the duration is less than 15 minutes. Complete works, movements and orchestral passages are allowed.

The repertoire will be videotaped (no edition or cuts allowed) and sent to Musikene following the instructions the candidates will receive once they have been admitted for the tests.

The works that require a piano accompaniment, should be performed with an accompanist.

2) Personal interview. The candidates admitted for the tests will answer to the questions received several days before the date of the test. The answers will be videotaped and sent to Musikene following the instructions received for such purpose.

Grading: Test 1: 80% / Test 2: 20%

The jury will be made up of three teachers, specialized in the instruments under examination. There will also be a participant from the Bilbao National Orchestra (BOS).

Publication of results: 19th – 21st March 2025

Access requirements

To be in possession of an official qualification in higher arts education, an official qualification or graduate degree or its equivalent from an institution of the European Higher Education Area or to finish the studies of the aforementioned qualification during the 2024/2025 academic year.

Likewise, students may also access the course with qualifications from educational systems outside the European Higher Education prior checking by the competent educational administration that they show an equivalent level of training.

Presentation of the qualification (or the receipt for payment of the rights to it) will be required upon enrolment. Those students who are currently undertaking the final year may submit this documentation at the end of it. In the latter case, such documentation should be submitted by October 15th, 2025.

Main instrument:

Violin: Catalin BucataruAitzol IturriagagoitiaTatiana SamouilLiana Gourdjia
Viola: Natalia Tchitch, Josep Puchades
Cello: Damián Martínez, Pavel Gomzyakov
Double bass: Pierre-Emmanuel de Maistre

Guest teachers 2024-2025:

Violin: Ilya Grubert
Viola: David Quiggle
Violoncello: Rafael Rosenfeld
Double bass: Gunārs Upatnieks

Orchestral repertoire:

Violin: Xabier Gil
Viola: Karsten Dobers
Cello: Elena Escalza
Double bass: Pierre-Emmanuel de MaistreJulio Pastor
Chamber Orchestra. Conductor 2024-2025: Diet Tilanus

Complementary training:

Physical technique applied to orchestra work: Teresa González
History and stylistic evolution of the orchestral repertoire: Margarita Lorenzo
Analysis applied to the orchestral repertoire: Jesús Echeverría

Optional subjects:

History of the orchestra and orchestration: Sergio Barcellona, Isabel Urrutia
Applied acoustics: Josetxo Bretos

Orchestra work experience:

Each student will have as their work experience tutor a teacher from the Orchestras.

Methodology and research:

Methodology of research: Margarita Lorenzo
Master’s Degree Final Project: PHD teachers


The Master’s Degree can be carried out full-time, with matriculation of 60 ECTS in one year, or part-time in two years, with a minimum matriculation of 30 ECTS in the first academic year. Each year, the matriculated credits during that academic year are paid.

The student will receive 1400 euros for professional work experience carried out in the Basque National Orchestra and the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra and will be registered with Social Security as an intern.

Complete matriculation (60 ECTS): 5820 euros. Real cost of 4420 euros once the remuneration for the professional work experience is deducted. The price of each credit in this master’s degree is €97 for the first enrolment and €140 for the second or subsequent enrolment.

Also, take advantage of our three exclusive grants for Master’s Degree students. Two of 1500 euros and one of 3000 euros.

Payment will be made in 3 instalments:

  • a third at matriculation
  • the remaining amount in two halves, one in November and the other in February

If you are an ex-student of Musikene, contact us for information regarding the financial advantages the school can offer you.

Exclusive scholarships for Master’s programme students:
  • Two “AIE” scholarships of 1.500 euros each: The AIE (Artistas, Intérpretes o Ejecutantes) Comission for Assistance and Culture Fund will provide two scholarships (1.500 euro each) for the two candidates who show the highest level in the entrance exams. The scholarships will be decided once finished the second selection process.
  • One “Igartza” scholarship of 3.300 euros: The city of Beasain will grant one scholarship of €3000 to a student registered in the Master’s program in Performance (Orchestral studies, Music Performance or Jazz-Performance) selected by a panel specifically designed for this purpose. Selection will take place in autumn.
Scholarships of a general nature:
  • Basque Government dents residing in the Basque Autonomous Community are eligible to apply for grants awarded annually by the Basque Government for university and other higher-level studies.
  • Ministry of Education Scholarships: Students residing outside of the Basque Autonomous Community are eligible to apply for grants of a general nature offered every year by the Ministry of Education. These grants are for students enrolled in post-compulsory studies:
  • The Royal Decree 1614/2009 , of 26 October, establishes the regulation of higher artistic studies regulated by Organic Law 2/2006. Article 7 of this Royal Decree authorises higher artistic education centres to offer master’s degrees.
  • Resolution dated 8 May 2015 from the Director of Schools, ordering the publication of the curriculum for the Master’s programme in artistic education for orchestral studies at the authorized higher-level school of music, “Musikene”, of San Sebastián.
  • Approval Certificate of the Master’s Degree.