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Musikene Mediatheque responds to the school’s students’ and teachers’ need for information and documentation. The Mediatheque offers a place for study and consultation, and a whole series of services adapted to the purposes described.

A team of 4 people are responsible for the creation, maintenance and dissemination of a varied collection of documents: books, scores, music magazines, CDs, DVDs and electronic resources. The Mediatheque is organised in the following sections: a counter area (loan and information); display of new acquisitions; book consultation area, scores, CDs and DVDs; newspaper library, group work rooms, audiovisual room, work offices, ensemble archive, historic archive.

Musiken Donostia-San Sebastian.

The Mediatheque has a collection of almost 60,000 documents, organised as follows:

Catalogued Collection: 42,000 documents

  • Free access: 7,000 books; 20,000 scores; 10,000 CDs; 1,300 DVDs
  • Consultation:

– Final Projects: 1,000 Final Projects

– Ensemble Archive: 1,300 documents. (Orchestra, band, big band, sinfonieta, choir, etc., scores and materials)

– Unpublished Items Collection: 1,400 documents. (Recordings of examinations, concerts, etc.)

  • Historic Archive: 18,000 documents (pending inventory and cataloguing)
Document Loan
Students, Master Students, Researchers and Users with Access via Institutional Agreement.
  • 4 documents on loan (books, scores, CDs, DVDs)
  • Period of 1 month


Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff.
  • 10 documents on loan (books, scores, CDs, DVDs)
  • Period of 1 month


Specialisation Course Students and Ex-students.
  • 1 document on loan (books, scores, CDs, DVDs)
  • Period of 1 month
Special Collections and Donations
Large Collections.

• Pello Zabala Sound Archive. In 2018, Pello Zabala, the Franciscan monks from the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Arantzazu, donated his collection of 6,000 CDs to the Mediatheque. Collected over more than 20 years when he produced a classical music programme on Radio Euskadi, they represent the sound document media from that programme. Alongside the CD collection, the Mediatheque received the handwritten documentation of each and every programme Zabala made during those 20 years working on the radio.


• Juan Carlos Gómez Zubeldia Collection (1924-1992). Personal library of the renowned piano teacher from Bilbao, made up of books, scores and LPs (3,500 documents). The collection was received in 2002.


• Parandiet. The San Sebastián native Antonio Parandiet (1954-2009), a passionate music lover, treasured a rich personal library in which, alongside a carefully curated selection of literature and a small art library, there was a select collection of sound recordings, in which opera and vocal music predominated. Through his family, Musikene received the donation of the musical part of this library: 400 books, 3,000 CDs, 1000 LPs, 150 DVDs, the complete collection of the magazines “Opera International” and “Scherzo” and several hundred opera programmes.


• Devoto-Valle Inclán Musical Library. Collection of books, scores for piano and old magazines belonging to the musical section of the library treasured by the couple Daniel Devoto (1916-2001), Argentinian writer and musicologist, and María de la Encarnación Beatriz Baltasar “Mariquiña del Valle-Inclán (1919-2003); daughter of the famous Spanish writer Ramón María del Valle-Inclán (1866-1936). The collection was received in 2008.



Medium-sized Collections.

• Rodríguez-Anuzita Collection. In 2017, we received a donation of part of the collection of scores belonging to the couple made up by José Ramón Rodríguez Lafuente, music critic from Bilbao, and Arantza Anuzita Madina, professional violinist who spent a good part of her career in the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra. The collection contains around 600 scores.


• María Luisa Ozaita Collection. In 2017, through the Eresbil Basque Music Archive, we received the donation of around 300 scores from the personal library of the composer and spinettist María Luisa Ozaita (1939-2017).


• Solana Library. In 2006, we received part of the personal library of Alberto Solana, San Sebastián bookseller, music lover and CD and LP collector. Solana donated around 1,000 mainly documents, books and LPs to the Musikene Mediatheque.


Other outstanding smaller donations.

Over the last few years, the Musikene Mediatheque has received numerous private donations, smaller in volume than the above, although no less important. We would like to highlight the collections received from Arturo Tamayo (contemporary music scores), Aitzol Iturriagagoitia (LPs), Celia Martínez Cristina (CDs), Alfonso Iriarte (LPs), Eresbil Archive (several hundred documents), Joaquín Chacón and Chris Kase (jazz CDs), Music Sales (scores), CEDOA-SGAE (scores) and other series of documents, mainly books, received from Jokin Léniz, Teatro Real (Theatre Royal) (Madrid), José Ángel Irigaray, José Ángel Achón, María Ángeles Rodríguez, Koldo Bravo, Deborah Carter, Josetxo Bretos and other people and institutions too numerous to mention.

Social Networks

The Mediatheque’s main social network activity takes place on Twitter, a speedy communication tool that is continually expanding. By means of the Mediatheque’s Twitter account @MMediateka we provide information about current music news, always from the point of view of musical documentation. We recommend websites and musical events and we point out the most outstanding new acquisitions at the Mediatheque.

Office Furniture Belonging to Pablo Sorozábal (1897-1988)

In 2012, we received a donation, from his grandson, of the office furniture used by the great San Sebastián composer Pablo Sorozábal for his creative work. The set is made up of the following elements: a cupboard, a table, a chair (leather and wood) and a small cabinet.

It is a set of wooden furniture, in the Castilian style, with outstanding cabinetmaking which incorporates relief figures with quixotic, floral and mythological motifs of great beauty. The furniture shows a unity of style and makes up the work environment in which the composer Pablo Sorozábal created, corrected and conserved his music in his Madrid home, on Calle Luchana, between 1939 and 1988.

The pieces of furniture have been placed in different rooms in the Mediatheque, achieving a very interesting and enriching contrast between the uniform and functional furniture normally found in libraries and those beautiful pieces of office furniture ennobled by the sheen of years. We wish to emphasise the enormous symbolic value of this set of furniture for both Musikene and its Mediatheque.